Thank you Jaun for your encouraging word's.
And as I was working this afternoon. I thought that if Richard is so sure that this is such a unattainable battle why is he wasting his time with us on this thread, since he has such vast knowledge and does not want the victims to go through even more pain. THAN CALL THE LAW FIRM! Call them tell them all the worries he has spent the time he has put into this thread. He clearly knows more than that law firm does that his posts indicate, so Richard put your money where your mouth is and call them, stop wasting your time with us who are so stupid that some call this a slam dunk. Since this is so important for you to put a stop to what you clearly are feeling is insanity by posting over and over and over how this is such a long shot that probably will never have a chance. Call them and tell them how you know so much more than they do and how this is just not going to ever work.
For thoes who might take me seriously, I am just frustrated that Richard is trying to discourage everyone.